Press Releases


Press release with interviews in english and in french will be sent daily with photos.

Vidéo News Realease will be also send four times during the event.

Royalty-free photos


Photos are available during the event for media and the sailors. they are free of rights until one month after the end of the event (26th of may). 

The copyright is : FFVoile / Sailing Energy

For all other uses, please contact us



The vidéo editing are free of charge and can be share by the media and the sailors. 

The Vidéo News Realease (VNR) are free of rights for media until one month after the end of the event (26th of may). 

The Copyright is : FFVoile / Icarus

For all other uses, please contact us

Contact us

Soazig Guého

Tél : +33 (0)6 62 08 75 44

@ :




Press room


The press room is located in the Espace Nautique Hyérois. The room has a breathtaking view of the entire harbor of Hyères and the regattas that take place there.


The press room, equipped with wifi with free access for accredited journalists. Results, information… are at your disposal.



Media Accreditation

Media wishing to cover The French Olympic Sailing Week Hyères will have to be accredited to access at the press center. The request is made by email to Soazig Gueho :



Press Boats


Press boats will be available for accredited journalists during the competition.

They will depart from the press center 30 minutes before racing starts.

Social Media





Regatta monitoring


Press boats are planned to follow the regattas. Requests will be done directly on site with of the press office.



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PHOTOS Qualified Nations

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